Dictionary words
Advertisement:when Desperate housewives first started, their marketing was successful as they aired plenty of adverts on tv, and a lot of billboards were also promoting it. the adverts during the programme also suggest the target audience of women, as the adverts are advertising, shampoos, and in general women products.
Billboard:when Depserate housewives was first starting, there were loadsss of advertisements on billboards, and were eye catching because the women were looking very glam.
Celebrity:Susan Myer, also known as Teri Hatcher, is a hugeeee celeb. she is best known from Superman. She is the biggest celeb out of them all, and it think her being in the programme obviously did attract more people to watch it because she is well known, and therefore the show did not make the programme look like 'any old new programme'.
Diegetic Sound:the programme has both diegetic and non diegetic sounds. the non diegetic sound is a very affective music playin which is similar/same as the theme tune, it plays when something is about to happen, such as when one of the women get angry and take action. Also, there is a voiceover who talks us through the programme.
Equilibrium: Todorov's theoryis supported in Desperate Housewives. the beginning starts with the characters jus beginning to plot their revenge on someone or something similar (equilibrium), the dsruption is done, then in the end everything will be fine amongst the characters, however, the audience know something 'bad' is happening, which the charcters discover in the next episode, and the cycle goes on...
Fantasy: the lives of the desperate housewives could be seen as a 'fantasy' because they live in massive houses, have loads of money, nice cars and fit partners!
Genre: the genre of Desperate Housewives is comedy/drama.
Hypothesis: the hypothesis of my coursework is going to be along the lines of: the women in desperate housewives are portrayed in an objectifying way as they are seen as causing disrutption, the title etc.
Institution: the institution is Channel 4 which is well established.
Kiss and tell: desperate housewives seem like women who men would do a 'kiss and tell' on.
Linear narrative: desperate housewives does not have a linear narrative, i think...it has flashbacks.
Mis en scene: it is set on a street, Wysteria Lane. the clothes the women wear are very glamerous (apart from Lynette) this helps with fantasy.
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